“It’s really hard to explain but once I put the suit on and take the lid off the box and the smell of the honey wafts up as the bees are flying around you just lose track of time and there is just something so magical about it.” – Matt, Founder of Mountainbee Honey.

Three years ago Mountainbee Honey was created when Matt Gledhill started producing natural honey to the locals on the border of NSW and Victoria. Just as Matt was starting to extend his business the 2020 bushfires kissed the Upper Murray region and 90 hives were burnt which resulted in 50% of the bees being lost under the Mountainbee business.

2020 may not have then continued to get easier or more forgiving but with the continued unsettling events being dealt out across 2020 Matt has learnt to be stronger and more resilient. Mountainbee may have received a couple of stings but when the flower blossoms the bees will come and Matt will continue to produce the sweetest honey there is.